Borderlands the pre sequel mods
Borderlands the pre sequel mods

borderlands the pre sequel mods borderlands the pre sequel mods

However, the grenade will create a shock explosion when deploying child grenades, as well as another shock explosion upon its expiration as standard Tesla grenades do. Like standard Tesla grenades, the Storm Front is able to tell friend from foe and will not damage allies if they are within its range. This dramatically increases the range of the grenade as a whole, and also dramatically increases the effective damage of the grenade, allowing for double or possibly even quadruple damage, depending on how many resultant grenades the target is within range of. The child grenades are deployed so that on a relatively flat piece of terrain the area covered by them will partially overlap the area covered by the main discharge. The Storm Front grenade is essentially a merging of the MIRV and Tesla grenade types, deploying multiple Tesla beacons with one grenade. Child grenades can stick to walls and other non-horizontal surfaces. Sometimes lightning does strike twice. – Deploys as a Tesla Grenade, then launches multiple smaller range, lower damage child Tesla grenades in an even distribution around the deployment point.

Borderlands the pre sequel mods